Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Conscious about Identity

Is having sense of identity so important in contemporary age?This is an issue I wonder when reading Barrack Obama's "Dreams from my Father",the book describes Obama's endeavor to find his true identity in a society which was dominated by whites and in a way made him feel like an outsider in his own country.
This quest lands him working as a community organizer and living an austere life in southern Chicago,then one day a sudden visit from his long lost sister makes him realize that people who he can call his own are on the other side of globe in Kenya,he visits Kenya to meet the people of his origin and get to know his true sense of identity.I haven't read the entire book as of now so in what way does he get to know his identity I cannot describe.
In today's age this quest does not sound too relevant, may be because of the widely used metaphor "the world has become a small place to live in" and in many ways this is true.The technological advancement has indeed made this world a small place ,people care to attain highest levels of comfort rather than wasting time finding and getting to know their long lost roots.But here's the catch ---Obama went through this experience in 80s which was the era of commencement of modernism. All these facts lead to only conclusion that Obama followed his consciousness which majority of population never really does. His consciousness asked him to find his true identity which led him to work as a community organizer and made him aware the real problems of black community in a ghetto.He obtained his law degree from Harvard , gaining a fancy degree he had a choice of leading a life of comfort but then his consciousness took over and led him back to Chicago to work for his community.
Very few have led this kind of life, a life which is led by conscience rather than by pursuit of comfort and monetary gains. Leading a great life requires a tremendous amount of self introspection which must remain unfazed by lust of money and power.But in today's age where conscience is masqueraded by the absolute goal of reaching to the higher strata of society one needs to introspect this thought by Emily Dickenson-------
" To live life is so startling it leaves very little time for anything else"

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Crime novel i guess is the most easiest and most hardest type of novel to write.Easy because you need not care for emotions, reader automatically feels the gravity of situation once he is introduced to the crime scene and hard because the author has to play with human phsyce every moment, keep the reader guessing till the last moment and at the end make a revelation which comes as a setback to all the superficial guess work by the reader and in someway makes the reader realize that solution to the mystery was before him right from the begining and would have guessed it if he/she had not succumed to the innocence or naivety displayed by characters.
                The fact that i am writing about crime novel is because i have finished reading Agatha Christie's "Murder of Roger Ackroyed". As of now i have read two books of her the other being "murder on the orient express",both the books are unusual murder mysteries but with same Christie's style of suspecting everyone till the last moment and then revealing the real culprit among those few on mere basis of reasoning.And i bet that no matter how much guess work the reader does he/she will never get it right and the revelation of who the culprit is will come as a shock.
                                             Crime novel more or less teaches us how to use our reasoning ablities and coming to conclusions which are logical and not emotional.This is the only aspect which defines great detectives like Sherlock Holmes and Hercules Poirot.

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