Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No Respite, Only Dispute

“It was the best of times, It was the worst of times” wrote Charles Dickens. Apparently it is not the best of times , look around you to notice some of the worst imaginable situations prevailing, not only prevailing but fuelled and thrived upon just to safeguard a vested interest of a small faction. A small faction of Dictators, whose sole purpose is to stick on to the power no matter how worse the conditions faced by their subjects, no matter how strong and resolute the desire of the people to oppose them and no matter how powerful the opposition to overthrow them, these factions will stick on to their throne like a thirsty bloodsucking leech on human body. No, not a leech, using leech as a metaphor is too good for them. A leech sticks on to a body to suck out the impure blood, but these dictators stick on to their throne for decades and putrefy it. And putrefy it so badly that the real difference between good and bad, rational and irrational becomes so thin that even a highly moral person feels that committing an immoral act is the only moral thing to do, and that if he fails to perform this ‘moral’ act he is bound to be charged for committing an immoral act. A more closely relating metaphor for these dictators is comparing them to a character named Gollum in Lord of the Rings.

Expressing indignation through blogs, through social network and all other kinds of public media is the only way of oppression against these dictators. Cause the real forces who have the potential to overthrow these dictators in a snap are actually sitting in their headquarters arguing among themselves on an action plan to overthrow this dictator. I’ll narrow down my views from ‘these’ to ‘this’. And to be more specific I am referring to Muammar Gaddaffi and the force trying to overthrow him –NATO. Nato militarily so much powerful cannot overthrow one dictator. Constantly arguing over their action plan on Libya they are making room for Gaddaffi to become much more powerful than ever before. Check this Out--- majority of African nations want Gaddaffi to stay in power, reason---he is the only person who stands resolutely for African reforms and interests , to put It the other way Gaddaffi helps the dictators of other African nations to stay in power by supplying them with tons of cash and thousands of mercenaries. Looking at this scenario another nation named Syria is following suit. Their head of state when on the brink of getting overthrown by the opposition backed by the masses played bloody politics and now a situation where there is high probability that opposition party might sacrifice public wishes for political gain is looming over them.

 So much for all the blood, sweat and tears of the Common man. None of this is new or unusual, it has happened before in the book “LORD OF THE RINGS” where for pursuit of one ring the entire middle age had to face dire consequences of war. Here are the famous lines relating to pursuit the pursuit of power by these dictators from LORD OF THE RINGS where ring is analogues to the throne that these dictators hold on for decades.

                                      One Ring to rule them all,One Ring to find them.
                                      One Ring to bring them all and in darkness bind them.

Lets now allow them to get hold of the ring and bind their subjects in darkness.

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