Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy(HGG) is very very weird, so weird that if i describe it, my description of the weird matter would be so weird that this weird description would override the weird description in the book and eventually the weird part which i am suppose to describe would be left out(effect of reading the book twice).Nonetheless i have to keep this blog alive and not allow it to drift away in the vast void called "Internet" and to do so I have to describe some of the most weirdest parts of HGG no matter how weird it would sound but very meaningful as you will later find it.
The HGG says, the world as percieved by human beings is not the way it is,that we are not the most dominant and intelligent species on the planet Earth, leave alone the universe.In fact we human beings are a small part of huge matrix which is a subset of a huge computer program called EARTH.The Earth is designed to find the answer to ultimate question "WHAT IS LIFE,UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING?".To teach human beings how to thrive in planet earth they(i still don't know who 'they' are?) sent hyper-dimensional creatures to planet earth called MICE.
Heres how those mice proved smarter than us,we human beings so proud of our pre-concieved presumption(i.e humans are the most intelligent species on the planet) captured mice thinking that their brains very closely resemble to those that of humans.Human beings carried out various kinds of test on mice in the laboratory and learnt the behavioral patterns in mice when exposed to various tests.But mice were way smarter than us and taught us how to behave by performing some weird actions inside the glass cubical.So the fact that every human being spends his entire life working hard incessantly to earn money and eventually dies carrying nothing with him was derived from mice's actions of running inside the wheel to get out of the wheel.(weird huh???)
So HGG indirectly says mice taught us to run behind money.To put it in a HGG'S way ,mice taught us to run behind,to cheat,to commit fraud for a small something by something inch piece of paper.
And the repercussions of these mice's teaching are still being faced by Human beings and will continue to affect them.Heres the most recent effects faced by an earthling called BATCHA (A.RAJA'S SECRATARY).Baccha was secretary to a human being who commited fraud to earn millions of those something by something inch pieces of paper and he earned it.BATCHA thought even he had chance of earning those pieces of paper along with his master in this deal and he did so.But it turned out that the human beings who according to Batcha and his master who were not supposed to know anything about their wealth t came to know about it.The result of which Batcha hung himself or was hung by someone to the ceiling fan and died.So thanks to Batcha and the training imparted to humans by mice the computer program called EARTH was able to find out an answer which would never be an answer to the ULTIMATE QUESTION.

And here's the answer:
Thank You Baccha,Thank You mice,You have taught us a valuable lesson!!!

1 comment:

  1. vey nice patil.Its a reality and we hv to change this reality.


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